Update for Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at 12:07:37 (PST)
It's that time again ... the Crab Races are set for this Saturday (22nd) and the weather looks great. Even if you're not racing, come and enjoy. As a wise man once said "you don't have to bring your own horse to the Kentucky Derby".
Update for Saturday, November 23, 2024 at 08:03:04 (PST)
Wow ... the river came up fast. It crested earlier this morning, below the deck, and the sun is threatening to break through today. Can't think of a better place to spend some time, drink a beer, grab a bite and watch the river flow (flushing our sins out to sea :)
You can also check our webcam on the
'Hows the Weather' link.
Update for Wednesday, November 20, 2024 at 10:47:13 (PST)
Thanksgiving is here already and, for the 25th year, we're hosting our "Misfits Thanksgiving".
We'll cook up the turkeys, the gravy and the mashed potatoes. Everything else on the table is pot luck (there's a sign up behind the bar). Bring a plate, or just bring yourself. We'll bring out the bird(s) at about 4.00 p.m.
Bar opens at 11:00 am and will stay open 'till about 11:00 p.m.
Cheers and Happy Thanksgiving.
Update for Monday, October 17, 2022 at 17:34:25 (PDT)
NFL Sunday Ticket on the Deck at the Stump.
The Footy has begun and we're all for it.
We open at 10:00 a.m. Sunday mornings.
Up to Six Games (first in best dressed).
Special Breakfast menu 'til noon.
Update for Monday, October 17, 2022 at 16:47:32 (PDT)
- 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sun - Thurs
- 11 a.m. to Midnight Fri and Sat
Kitchen Open:
- 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sun - Thurs
- 11 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Fri and Sat
La Fogata Taco Truck 4pm to 9pm Each Day
Update for Friday, September 24, 2021 at 11:10:57 (PDT)
Sunday Ticket on the Deck at the Stump.
The Footy has begun and we're all for it.
We open at 10:00 a.m. Sunday mornings.
Up to Six Games (first in best dressed).
Special Breakfast menu 'til noon.
Update for Tuesday, April 13, 2021 at 15:27:22 (PDT)
Bar OPEN 11am to 10pm DAILY
Kitchen Open 11am to 4pm DAILY
La Fogata Taco Truck 4pm to 9pm Mon-Fri
11am to 9pm Sat & Sun
Update for Monday, December 28, 2020 at 16:57:32 (PST)
Take a drive out to the river!
Thursday, December 31st...Yes, New Year's Eve.
Some of us Stumptonians will be Heating up the Grill and shucking some oysters.
It's a great excuse to get out of the house!
We will be grillin' curbside.
We will have BBQ'd and raw oysters, Clam Chowda, loaves of fresh bread from Franco American and beer + cocktails + Champagne togo.
Check us out on facebook for the menu and updates.
Call ahead orders Welcome.
Update for Monday, October 19, 2020 at 12:02:54 (PDT)
Apologies...Sunday's we open at 10am for football.
NFL Ticket, breakfast 10am-noon. Cheers!!
Update for Thursday, October 15, 2020 at 13:34:13 (PDT)
Greetings from Stump! We've got all kinds of yummy food lined up for the season. Starting next week, we will open an hour earlier. Follow us on instagram for foodie pics, menus and more. See you soon...
SUNDAY: Stumptown Smokehouse
MONDAY: Stumptown Smokehouse 11am-3pm
La Fogata Taco Truck 3pm-8pm
TUESDAY: Stumptown Smokehouse 11am-3pm
La Fogata Taco Truck 3pm-8pm
WEDNESDAY: The Hot Box BBQ 11am-3pm
La Fogata Taco Truck 3pm-8pm
THURSDAY: Saucy Mama's
Soul Food 11am-8pm
FRIDAY: Stumptown Smokehouse 11am-3pm
La Fogata Taco Truck 3pm-8pm
SATURDAY: Stumptown
Smokehouse 11am-8pm
Update for Saturday, October 10, 2020 at 20:19:59 (PDT)
Have you read this yet?
The Great Barrington Declaration.
Update for Sunday, August 02, 2020 at 11:01:11 (PDT)
Greetings from Stumptown!
Apologies for not updating our current hours of operation.
Here ya go....
Sunday-Thursday 12pm-8pm
Friday & Saturday 12pm-9pm
See you Soon!
Update for Sunday, June 28, 2020 at 14:25:01 (PDT)
The New COVID Summer Hours
Kitchen open 12pm-8pm Sun-Thurs (last call for food @ 7:30)
12pm-9pm Fri + Sat (last call for food @ 8:30)
Bar Hours 11am-12am 7 days a week
Masks required when inside the building.
Masks required during outside dining when not seated.
Please keep your children at your table. Children not allowed on beach without adult supervision.
Dog pen open.
Dogs also currently allowed on leash at table and on the beach.
(this is private property)
You are welcome to bring pop up chairs or picnic blanket for beach but we ask that you check in with the bar or staff member before heading down to our grassy area.
Update for Tuesday, May 26, 2020 at 13:00:58 (PDT)
Hello Stumptonians!
Here's the latest....
We are open for dine-in on the deck!
We are also open for take out!
Currently 12pm-7pm Thursday-Monday
Update for Friday, February 07, 2020 at 11:22:24 (PST)
Please join us for our 10th annual Crab Races on February 15th, 2020!
Get your tickets online at eventbrite.com or from your favorite bartender here at the brewery 😉
(Last day to sign up is Friday, February 14th)
Start time is 2 pm, and the ticket price is $35, which includes:
Racing, cleaning, and cooking of your crustacean, salad, and bread.
Check out our Facebook and /or Instagram pages for more info!!
Instagram.com/stumptownbrewery (@stumptownbrewery)
Cheers everyone!!
Update for Sunday, January 26, 2020 at 10:16:25 (PST)
Super Bowl Party February 2nd, 2020!
Come join us for food, football, and awesome Raffles during the game!!
Raffle tickets are $10 each and you must be present to win.
Purchase your tickets at the bar with your fave bartender :)
There will also be an appetizer potluck!!
Sign up at the bar to bring your favorite side dish or snack.
Call (707)869-0705 or check out our Facebook page for more info (www.facebook.com/stumptownbrewery)
Cheers everyone....... AND GO NINERS!!
Update for Wednesday, October 02, 2019 at 11:25:39 (PDT)
Sundays 10am-8pm
serving brunch from 10am-2 ish
Mondays SAUCY MAMA'S POP UP 12pm-9pm
Southern Soul Food
(Bring in your own grub or order from FARMHOUSE
next door and they will deliver)
Wednesdays Stumptown Kitchen open 11am-8pm
Thursdays Stumptown Kitchen open 11am-8pm
Fridays Stumptown Kitchen open 11am-8pm
Saturdays Stumptown Kitchen open 11am-9pm
Call in for daily specials from our smokehouse!
(707) 869-0705
Update for Wednesday, July 10, 2019 at 09:41:26 (PDT)
We hope everyone is having a great summer thus far!🌞
Just wanted to take a minute to remind ya'll of our current weekly food lineup 🌶🍖🍗🍕🍔🍟🌭
Mondays:12-9pm Saucy Mama's Soul Food
Tuesdays:1-7pm Huria's Wood fired Pizza Pop Up
Wednesdays:1-7pm Huria's Wood fired Pizza Pop up
Thursdays:11am-9pm Stumpy's Burger Shack
Fridays:11am-9pm Stumpy's Burger Shack
Saturdays:11am-9pm Stumpy's Burger Shack
Sundays:11am-9pm Stumpy's Burger Shack
Make sure to follow us on social media for updates and such 😁
Cheers Everyone, and stay safe! 🍻🍻
Update for Wednesday, May 29, 2019 at 14:00:30 (PDT)
Hello Beer Revival Fans!
Tickets for this year's festival will go on sale SUNDAY June 2nd. Doors open at Stumptown at 11am and we will be handing out numbers that will guarantee 4 tickets for each person. At 1pm tickets will go live online through stumptown.com and we will start calling numbers for people at the brewery to buy tickets. For updates and more info check out Stumptown Beer Revival on facebook.
Update for Monday, March 25, 2019 at 13:10:05 (PDT)
Hey folks! We wanted to give ya'll an update of our kitchen schedule as of today (March 25th)
Mondays: 12-9 Saucy Mama's Soul Food
Tuesdays: 1-7 Huria's Wood Fired Pizza Popup
Wednesdays: 1-7 Huria's Wood Fired Pizza Popup
Thursdays & Sundays: Stumpy's Burger Shack open 11-8
Fridays & Saturdays: Stumpy's Burger Shack open 11-9
Large parties please call for reservations
Update for Tuesday, February 26, 2019 at 13:58:02 (PST)
We are preparing to take on water at some point over the next couple of days so there's a little extra hustle and bustle around the brewery today ... but we're open and Huria's is serving their awesome wood fired pizza.
If you're wondering where to watch the river flow, this is probably the spot.
Update for Monday, December 10, 2018 at 11:13:44 (PST)
New long sleeve shirts here at Stumptown! Come check 'em out!
Update for Saturday, November 17, 2018 at 14:52:22 (PST)
Hey there folks! We have some exciting news! Starting next week(11/20/18), Huria Wood Fired Catering will be here at Stump from 1-7 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays! They will be featuring some amazing Mediterranean style wood fired PIZZA! This awesome couple comes from Brooklyn, so you know its gonna be delicious 😉
Stay tuned for updates!
(P.S- our kitchen will now be closed those days)
Update for Monday, November 12, 2018 at 13:50:22 (PST)
Hello there! We here at Stumptown Brewery would like to extend our warmest invitation to our annual MISFITS THANKSGIVING! We will provide the Turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing and cranberry sauce. We encourage you to bring a side (there is a sign up sheet at the bar 😉) and your appetite! Erik Conway, Aaron Bickel and Steph Crebo will be running the kitchen, while Annie McGurik and Leslie Lalumondiere will be taking care of you at the bar. Bar opens at 11am, turkeys, etc. will be done by 3pm. Please feel free to invite friends and family.. the more the merrier! Cheers, and happy holidays!!!
Update for Monday, September 10, 2018 at 14:06:06 (PDT)
Hey folks! Just wanted to let you know we have changed our kitchen hours. As of today, the kitchen will be open Sunday through Thursday 11am to 8pm, Friday and Saturday 11am to 9pm.
Update for Thursday, August 30, 2018 at 13:10:37 (PDT)
Congratulations Stumptown Beer Revival BBQ Team Winners!
In the Rib Category...
1. D&D Whole Hog BBQ
2. Sonoma County
In the Wing Category...
1. Triple Rock BBQ
2. 4 Brothers Smokin'
3. Benders Bar, SF
People's Choice...
Tempest SF for Ribs
South of the Porter for Wings
Thanks again to all of the amazing teams that participated this year!
Update for Wednesday, August 15, 2018 at 10:48:28 (PDT)
Hey everyone!! Beer Revival tickets are officially SOLD OUT!
Update for Monday, July 23, 2018 at 13:46:53 (PDT)
Hey everyone! We are pleased to announce that the dog pen and the beach are back! Beach open Saturdays and Sundays, from 12-5pm!
Update for Saturday, July 14, 2018 at 14:06:43 (PDT)
Stumptown will open at 8am tomorrow 07/15/18 for the game!
Update for Saturday, July 14, 2018 at 10:26:18 (PDT)
Hey Folks!
Just a heads up...the DOG PEN and the BEACH BAR will be CLOSED for the weekend. We will keep ya updated.
Update for Monday, July 02, 2018 at 15:19:58 (PDT)
Still looking for something to do for the 4th? Come join us on the beach,(noon to 5) and cool off in the Deep Eddy Trailer! Baxter Ming will be your host, and there will be lots of cool stuff to give away.. Also to be enjoyed, some amazing RedBull drink Specials!
Bring your pop up chairs, some sunscreen and your happy face :)
We'll see you here!
Update for Wednesday, May 30, 2018 at 11:30:39 (PDT)
Beer Revival Tickets go on sale this Friday (June 1st) at 1:00pm.
As usual, online via

or here at the pub.
Update for Sunday, May 06, 2018 at 15:30:11 (PDT)
MAY 13 - The STUMPTOWN BREWERY proudly presents
in a not to be missed performance of the KING ALIVE TODAY, older,
wiser, but rocking harder if not higher than ever, covering all music,
from THEN to NOW as only the King of Rock n Roll can.
It's a show, a concert, a dance, a party, it's fun, it's ELVIS!
No Cover FREE like AMERICA 1 - 5 PM
The Stumptown Brewery Deck
Price: Yes ... Free!
Update for Sunday, May 06, 2018 at 13:46:41 (PDT)
Come raise a pint with us on Saturday May 20th for
We will be celebrating and supporting our local Vet Connect with drink specials, appetizers,
1996 beer prices and our annual release of
Old Purple Stump (Stumptown's Altbier)
Party starts at noon with live music by our local boys..
At 3pm a live performance by
MUDBONE presented by KRSH
Check us out on facebook for more info
Update for Monday, March 05, 2018 at 11:58:16 (PST)
Stump St. Patrick's Day celebration.
Saturday March 17th
Serving Corned Beef & Cabbage all day.
Party starts at 8pm
Update for Wednesday, January 31, 2018 at 12:04:01 (PST)
Superbowl Party @ Stump!
Come watch the game inside or out and check out our
Special Game Day Food & Drink Menu.
We will also be giving away Awesome Swag from Deep Eddy including some super cool pop-up chairs!
See you Sunday!!!
Update for Monday, January 08, 2018 at 13:39:19 (PST)
Ok, so it's a little cold and rainy outside. But, it's warm and cozy at Stump!
Come on out and watch...
Alabama vs. Georgia National Championship game at 5pm.
Warriors vs. Nuggets at 7:30
Wings, wings, wings!
Tri tip Sandwich or our amazing Reuben is on the menu today.
Update for Friday, January 05, 2018 at 13:27:18 (PST)
Stop in and grab a pint of our latest brew...
and....don't forget....
*The Plate
2pcs, a biscuit & choice of side $15
*The Family deal
8pcs, 4 biscuits & choice of 2 sides $24
(sides include mashed potatoes + gravy, macaroni salad or coleslaw)
Update for Friday, December 22, 2017 at 12:59:59 (PST)
Dustin will be opening the bar at 5pm on Christmas Day.
The kitchen will be closed so feel free to bring in food or snacks if you like.
Update for Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at 13:57:12 (PST)
We hope everyone is enjoying this Holiday Season! Just a heads up...we will be closed Christmas day so that our staff can enjoy the day with their families and loved ones.
Until then, come on down and check out our new Happy Hour Menu Monday-Friday 4pm-pm. We also have some amazing weekly specials like Henny Penny fried chicken dinners.
Update for Thursday, October 19, 2017 at 11:38:01 (PDT)
Hello Stumptownians!
We will be switching to Winter hours for the kitchen starting this Sunday 10/22/17.
Sundays Open at 10am (Football & breakfast) - 8pm
Monday-Thursday 11am - 8pm
Friday & Saturday 11am - 9pm
Update for Wednesday, October 04, 2017 at 14:27:25 (PDT)
Get a raffle ticket with every purchase and win some cool swag.
WE OPEN AT 10am!
Update for Saturday, August 26, 2017 at 11:23:31 (PDT)
MONDAYS-THURSDAYS 12pm-8pm (flexible)
15045 River Rd
Guerneville, CA 95446-8043
Update for Tuesday, August 22, 2017 at 12:05:23 (PDT)
Hope everyone has recovered from our 15th Annual Beer Revival & BBQ Cook Off. What a blast! Thank you Monte Rio for welcoming us this year. The new space was amazing. For those of you who missed the BBQ Announcements we thought we'd post them for you.
The Winners by the judges...
3rd Place FAT DADDY'S
3rd Place BENDER'S BAR (SF)
People's Choice Winners...
Good Work Everyone and THANK YOU for making this year's event the best ever!
Update for Monday, August 14, 2017 at 12:27:55 (PDT)
15th Annual
Russian River Beer Revival & BBQ Cook Off
Saturday August 19th
Monte Rio Beach, Monte Rio CA
A Message from Stumptown Brewery:
Dear Beer and BBQ enthusiast,
The Beer Revival is just a few days away and we wanted to drop you a quick line so you�d have the heads up when you get to the Revival.� We recommend you carpool and try to get to Monte Rio Beach (NEW LOCATION) early or jump on the free local shuttle.�
Shuttle stops will be located at Stumptown Brewery (near the car wash sign), Guerneville Park & Ride (downtown, across from Dawn Ranch & Agriculture Bar), and the Monte Rio Beach (upper parking lot).
Free Local Shuttles will run continuously from 10am to 6pm.
Here are some important points:
1) Must have ticket and Valid ID
2) Please do not eat before you get to the festival (unless it's cabbage ... that's what the pros do).� We have about four or five hours to eat 1.5 tons of delicious BBQ.� You decide when your fast/preparation should begin.
3) We will not let anyone on the beach that is younger than 21 years of age. NO ID, NO ENTRY (yes, infants are under 21), nor will we allow any dogs in the event.
4) The main gate (check-in and will-call) will begin at 11am at the west end of the beach under the bridge with entry at 12pm after VIP�s.
5)� Express check-in for VIP Pass holders starts at 11am with early entry at 12pm.�
6) Online ticket purchasers must present themselves with their party (you will need to escort your group into the festival).� You, as purchaser, must have your ID and printout of the eventbrite confirmation email. Each member of your group must have their ID and also present it at the gate.
7) Continue to the Brewers and the BBQers and enjoy.
If you are coming by Santa Rosa Shuttle Bus:
Please check your email confirmation for your check-in info (Bus and Time).� Check-in will be at the 5th Street parking lot behind Russian River Brewing Co in Santa Rosa. Please be punctual, it's unlikely we'll be able to get you on a bus other than the one you're scheduled to take.
Thanks for supporting our seniors and we look forward to seeing you this Saturday.
Cheers (and please ... be the old bull),
Stumptown Brewery.
Beer and BBQ is our safe space.
Update for Sunday, August 06, 2017 at 10:27:00 (PDT)
Apologies if we have confused anyone.
The Beer Revival is at Monte Rio Beach this year.
Update for Saturday, August 05, 2017 at 15:17:35 (PDT)
Hello fellow beer-drinking-Summer-loving-crazy-people!
Just a quick update....
We are gearing up for the Revival so the Stump beach will be closed for the next few weekends. We are hoping to open it up for one last hoo-ha over Labor Day Weekend.
So please, respect our staff and read the signs.
Update for Monday, July 24, 2017 at 12:43:55 (PDT)
Hello Stumpy Fans!
We hope everyone is having a blast this Summer. The Lazy River Daze on the beach Saturdays and Sundays have been a hit.
We have to more weekends then the beach will be closed...
August 7th through the 28th while we prepare for the
15th Annual Beer Revival & BBQ Cook Off.
We will have one last party to say goodbye to Summer on our beach for Labor Day Weekend.
Update for Tuesday, June 27, 2017 at 13:18:04 (PDT)
Happy 4th of July!
Stumps 4th of July weekend Beach Lineup...
SATURDAY.. Beach Bar open 12pm to 5pm with
Bariadelli Caribbean Pizza Food Truck https://www.bariadelli.com/
SUNDAY.. Beach Bar Open 12pm-5pm
Come have a drink in the Deep Eddy Bar Trailer on the beach!
Check out some pics on our facebook page.
Update for Friday, May 26, 2017 at 13:14:58 (PDT)
Memorial Day Weekend Line Up
River Daze Summer Kick Off Party
Full Bar & Cold Beers
Noon to 5pm
Sponsored by Deep Eddy Vodka
Deep Eddy Girls 1pm-4pm
Giveaways & Drink Specials!
Tuck Box Indian Food Truck 12pm-5pm
Sponsored by Milagro Tequila
First 30 on the beach get a Milagro T-shirt & cool shades
Shot & Margarita Specials
*Bring your pop up chairs, towels, sunscreen, floaties
*No Coolers, No containers,
*No outside food or beverages
For more info check it out on Facebook
Update for Friday, May 12, 2017 at 09:54:49 (PDT)
Hey Mom's!
Here is your Stumptown weekend lineup...
Chill on Stumptown's beach with your favorite cocktails, grab some grub from the Tuck Box food truck and play a little corn hole or volleyball.
Put on your blue suede shoes because ALLWAYS ELVIS will be on the deck at 1pm. We will celebrate your day with drink and food specials. First 40 moms in the door get some sweet Skyy Vodka shades.
Update for Wednesday, May 03, 2017 at 13:23:22 (PDT)
We will be slinging cocktails on the beach.
Russian River Wienery will cooking up sausages & dogs.
Come hang out...
Bring your pop up chairs & river wear
Dogs on leash ok!
No outside food or beverages (not even water bottles)
Update for Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at 16:18:40 (PDT)
Russian River Wienery 11am-5pm
Got Balls Meatball Factory 5pm-9pm
Come get some!!
Update for Saturday, March 18, 2017 at 15:17:23 (PDT)
In the wake of Stumptown's St. Patrick's day shenanigans we like to say Thanks to all of you who came out to feast, drink, and kiss the Blimey stone . What a BLAST!
Update for Wednesday, March 08, 2017 at 09:45:31 (PST)
Looking for something to do on St. Patrick's Day?
Come on out to Stump! Check out the details on our facebook page. See ya then!
Update for Friday, March 03, 2017 at 10:36:39 (PST)
Come on out for lunch and have a pint on the deck.
Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays 11am-8pm
Wednesdays (Bring in your own picnic or get food delivered from The Rio Nido Roadhouse)
Fridays & Saturdays Kitchen open 11am-9pm
Update for Saturday, February 18, 2017 at 13:18:25 (PST)
Attention Foodies!
Tuck Box Food Truck
today 1pm to 8pm
Northern Indian Cuisine
Soooo good
Update for Monday, February 13, 2017 at 15:02:10 (PST)
Calling all Stumptown Lovers and Loners--
Looking for somewhere casual to bring your sweetheart (or just yourself) for Valentines Day? Amanda will be making home made pasta, (white sauce with veggies, and a red sauce with meat) accompanied by salad and rolls, with a little something sweet for dessert. Wash it all down with a pint or one of her drink specials, and enjoy the day with us!
1 pm
Update for Saturday, February 11, 2017 at 11:51:38 (PST)
Greetings from the River!
It's a gorgeous sunny day at Stump. Swing by for a pint and have some Indian food from the "Tuck Box" food truck parked at Stump. We also have a delicious menu and special delivery from our good neighbors at the Rio Nido Roadhouse.
There's no better way to spend a Saturday afternoon!
Update for Tuesday, January 31, 2017 at 15:14:45 (PST)
Greetings Football Fans!
Superbowl Sunday is fast approaching.
We will be cooking up some AMAZING Fried Chicken with all the fixins. Come down and check out our drink specials and sweet swag raffle prizes.
If you've never been here for football, we have TV's inside and out, our best brews on tap, full bar, food and plenty of seating!
Update for Tuesday, January 24, 2017 at 15:22:02 (PST)
Hello Everyone!
Hope you all have been checking out the live cam on our website to keep track of the river. It's a cool but sunny day here at the Stump and the river is receding. Still can't see the beach but the river should be back in its banks by the weekend.
Starting Monday February 6th our kitchen will be closed for one last remodel. Should only take a couple weeks but while it's closed, you are welcome to bring in your own food or have it delivered from one of our wonderful local restaurants. We are also trying to line up some food trucks so if you know any, have them give us a call. Hope you are enjoying this wet Winter.
Update for Thursday, December 29, 2016 at 13:29:56 (PST)
Greetings Football Fans!
This will be the last Sunday that we serve breakfast so
it's your last chance to get your stumpy style stuffed hash browns, The Real Deal corned beef hash and homemade biscuits and gravy.
But, don't worry....we will still have all the games and we will still be serving lunch and dinner from 11am-8pm.
Update for Friday, December 16, 2016 at 12:08:53 (PST)
Holiday Greetings!
Come on down Christmas Eve.
Dustin and Amanda will be hosting a Misfits Christmas party from 10pm-2am.
Sing a long with Dustin on the piano and complimentary eats.
For more info check out our facebook page.
Update for Monday, October 31, 2016 at 13:44:22 (PDT)
Every Monday and Thursday Night football game we have 5 for $5
wings with your choice of sweet & spicy, buffalo, ginger or teriyaki.
Tuesdays and Wednesdays come check out our happy hour specials and happy hour grub 4-7pm.
Update for Thursday, October 20, 2016 at 12:54:46 (PDT)
Football Menu / specials on Mon and Thursday nights during the games, NFL Sunday ticket on Sunday and, according to Jerome H. on Yelp, "Too many TV's.".
Update for Saturday, August 06, 2016 at 10:00:00 (PDT)
Eggs on the River: The Eggfest
Asien's Appliance are hosting their 6th annual
Big Green Egg BBQ event down on beach.
Today August 6th from 10.00 am - 4.00 pm.
This is a blast: lots of great BBQ (and other styles) from a bunch of dedicated egg-heads and special guests sharing their tips on better outdoor cooking.
Update for Monday, June 13, 2016 at 12:48:54 (PDT)
Two things.....
Thing #1 WARRIORS GAME! Come on down and watch the game with the other cool kids. 9 screens, Happy Hour Menu, and your favorite bartenders...Jenna, Corey & Cody.
Thing #2 FATHER'S DAY! Bring your dad for Smoked Ribs, Cold Pints, Whiskey Specials and get'em one of our limited edition "Happy as a bastard on Father's Day" t-shirts.
Update for Saturday, June 11, 2016 at 12:08:36 (PDT)
All hope is NOT lost!
We have about 50 tickets left here at Stump.
First come, first serve. Give us a call before you drive out to make sure we still have them, they go fast.
Update for Friday, April 22, 2016 at 11:51:16 (PDT)
This year's event will be on Saturday August 20th.
Tickets will go on sale Friday, June 10th at 1pm online and here at Stumptown.
If you are coming to Stump to get your tickets, the doors will open at 11am and we will hand out 200 numbers.
At 1pm we will start calling your numbers to come up and purchase up to 4 tickets per person.
If you get here after all the numbers have been handed out, come up to the table and put your name on the list.
Our webpage will be updated soon with this year's info.
Update for Friday, April 22, 2016 at 11:45:25 (PDT)
Love your Mama??
Want her to have a Mother's Day she will never forget?
Bring her to STUMPTOWN!
Sunday May 8th Elvis will be IN THE HOUSE!
The entertainment starts at 1pm with a live show on the deck.
There will be a MOM menu with lunch & drink specials all day long!
Update for Wednesday, March 23, 2016 at 12:14:24 (PDT)
Colonel Stumpy is in the House!
8pc Pressure Fried Chicken
Lunch or Dinner comes with JoJo Potatoes, 4 Biscuits & Coleslaw.
Eat here with a pint or call in for Take Out!
We cook to order so please allow 20-25 minutes per order.
Feeds 2-4 people
Update for Thursday, March 17, 2016 at 12:10:12 (PDT)
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
We are serving corned beef & cabbage all day.
Jenna is pouring Irish car bombs and Green beer!!!
Come be Irish for the day!
Update for Tuesday, February 02, 2016 at 15:39:33 (PST)
Sunday Superbowl lineup...
The Kitchen will be serving breakfast 10am-1pm.
1:00pm Erik will be firing up the BBQ for $2 oysters
Served with garlic butter & Eriks special BBQ Sauce
3:30 Superbowl Specials Menu
$4 Pork Taquitos
$4 Street tacos
$2 Regular or Seasoned Fries
Be sure to ask about the Drink Specials.
And, be sure to get your raffle tickets with purchase.
****Bronco style anything on the menu...no extra charge!
(Add nacho cheese)
The Regular menu will also be available!
We have a ton of great prizes with 9 tv's and surround sound.
See you Sunday!
Update for Sunday, January 31, 2016 at 11:40:44 (PST)
Hey Superbowl Fans...
Make plans to watch the game at Stump!
$2 BBQ oysters, raffle prizes, food and drink specials!
Check out our facebook page for more details.
See you Sunday...
Update for Wednesday, January 20, 2016 at 13:23:32 (PST)
Can you say Chili Cook Off?
Rachel Ahm Throwdown happening next Wednesday!
More details to come...
Update for Monday, January 04, 2016 at 15:08:27 (PST)
FYI..it's officially Winter here at Stump! We will be closing the kitchen on Wednesdays starting January 13 until Spring.
We have some fun stuff lined up for the Winter months so be sure to checkout our updates on Facebook!
Update for Saturday, September 12, 2015 at 10:42:39 (PDT)
Hey Football Fans!
Stump has the NFL package with HD flat screens inside and outside.
Now Serving Breakfast every Sunday 10am to 2pm.
Cheap eats every Thursday & Monday Night games.
See you there!
Update for Sunday, May 31, 2015 at 13:29:11 (PDT)
Hello Beer Revival Fans!
This Friday, June 5th, tickets for the 2015 Russian River Beer Revival & BBQ Cook Off will go on-sale!
Online tickets: at 1pm go to (or refresh)
http://www.stumptown.com/revival and scroll down to find the link to ticket sales.
Be sure to refresh the page at 1 pm.
Hard tickets at Stumptown: We will open the doors at 11am and we will hand out numbers so you don't have to wait in a line for hours. Grab a beer and some lunch! We will start calling numbers at 1pm. When we call your number you can purchase up to 4 tickets per person.
If you miss out online and can't make it to the pub, drop us an email revival@stumptown.com to see if we have any tickets leftover.
Sorry, we don't accept credit cards but we do have an ATM.
See ya Friday!!!
Update for Saturday, March 07, 2015 at 13:52:56 (PST)
St. Patrick's Day party next Saturday, March 14th!
Celtic music by Plaid Menagerie out on the deck
Irish Drink Specials
Corned Beef and Cabbage
All starts at 1pm...see you there!
Update for Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 15:36:14 (PST)
For more info on the crab races...check out our facebook page!
Update for Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 15:29:34 (PST)
This Saturday, February 21st
Racing starts at 2pm but get here early to pick your crab.
$30/person includes crab, salad and garlic bread.
Sign now at the bar!
Update for Sunday, December 28, 2014 at 14:04:52 (PST)
Come on out to the Stump for New Years!
Champagne toast at Midnight for New Year's Eve!
Serving Breakfast New Year's Day:
*Homemade Buttermilk biscuits with Sausage Gravy
*The Real Deal Corned Beef Hash
*Traditional Bacon & Eggs
*Buttermilk Pancakes...add blueberries if that's your thing
*Famous Stumpy Style Hashbrowns layered with cheese, bacon, sour cream and tapatio...need some protein? Ask for the hidden egg!
And don't forget to order a Bacon Bloody Mary!
Update for Saturday, November 15, 2014 at 14:43:14 (PST)
Annual Misfits Thanksgiving Dinner!
Thursday November 27th.
Erik and Marc will be cooking up the Turkeys and Jenna will be slingin' drinks.
Bring your favorite dish and join us for dinner!
We will be dishin' it up around 3pm.
Questions? Look up us on facebook!
Update for Saturday, September 06, 2014 at 12:32:34 (PDT)
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!
Football Season is upon us. We have the Sunday NFL ticket and we'll be watching up to 5 games at a time.
Breakfast starts at 10am and so the bacon bloodymary's.
Stumptown is not just for summer anymore!!
Update for Saturday, June 14, 2014 at 14:42:06 (PDT)
Bring Your Dad to Stumptown for Father's Day!
1pm...$2 BBQ Oysters!
2pm... Singer/Songwriters Jesse Tibbits & Stefan Johnson will be playing some Bluegrass out on the deck.
Great Craft Brews, Grubbin' BBQ, Good Music & Sunshine!
Update for Monday, September 23, 2013 at 14:53:56 (PDT)
Hey Football Fans!!
The NFL ticket is at Stumptown
Sunday! Sunday!! Sunday!!!
We open at 10am and we are serving Breakfast...
Fluffy PBR Pancakes
Golden Hashbrowns
Scrambled Eggs and
Biscuits and Gravy that will cure any Hangover!
Oh...and don't forget to order a Bacon Bloody Mary!
Update for Sunday, August 25, 2013 at 13:49:49 (PDT)
BIG THANK YOU! to all of the Breweries, BBQ Teams & Volunteers that made this year's
Russian River Beer Revival & BBQ Cook Off a huge success!
Speaking of BBQ... Congratulations to all our Winners!
In the WINGS category..
1st place "Smoke on the Water"
2nd place "Two Fat Jacks"
3rd place "South of the Porter"
In the RIBS category..
1st place newcomer "BelBQ & the 5150's"
2nd place "Clear Cut to the Coast" (yes, that's right)
3rd place "Inlaws & Outlaws"
PEOPLES CHOICE AWARD for Ribs "Sir Smokesalot"
PEOPLES CHOICE AWARD for Wings "South of the Porter"
Thanks again everyone for all your hard work!
Update for Monday, August 05, 2013 at 12:58:56 (PDT)
Mark your Calendar!
This SUNDAY, August 11th....
Two Inflatable Water Slides, Dunk Tank & Volleyball!
$1 Dogs, chips and sodas!
Full bar.
$5 per person, all day 12pm-5pm
Bring your towels, pop-up chairs and beach blankets.
(Sorry, no outside food or beverages)
Update for Monday, July 15, 2013 at 13:14:05 (PDT)
This Saturday!!
July 20th, 2013
Family Fun Water Day!
Stumptown Beach!
Inflatable Double Wide Slip n' Slide
20 Foot Inflatable Water Slide
$1 Hotdogs Chips & Sodas
Full Bar & Beer on Tap
All Ages. Bring your pop up chairs, beach blankets & sunscreen.
$5.00 per peson gets you in all day!
*No outside food or beverages.
Update for Saturday, June 15, 2013 at 20:28:21 (PDT)
Wow ... Beer Revival tickets sold out in under two hours.
We had people drive from as far away as Bakersfield to get their tickets at the Brewery.
Sorry to everyone who missed out this year. We'd love to make the event bigger but we don't think we could do that without diluting it.
Our purpose statement:
"Drink good beer and drink it well". We're grateful there are so many that agree.
Update for Tuesday, June 11, 2013 at 09:01:21 (PDT)
Beer Revival Tickets go on sale this Friday at 1 p.m.
Just like last year, they'll be available online, if you're quick, (
2013 Beer Revival) and at the Brewery.
The weather's expected to be pretty nice this Friday.
Update for Saturday, May 04, 2013 at 13:54:18 (PDT)
What are you planning for your Mom on Mother's Day?
Give her something she won't get anywhere else....
Allways Elvis!! On the deck, party starts at 2pm! Beer, Sunshine, Elvis...doesn't get much better than that!
Update for Monday, April 15, 2013 at 13:52:59 (PDT)
Just wanted to Welcome Kevin Throop to the Stumptown Family and say "Congratulations on your Wedding today!!"
Update for Monday, February 11, 2013 at 13:01:46 (PST)
Greetings Fellow Crab Racing Enthusiasts!
It's that time again!
This Saturday, February 16th at 2pm, Stumptown is hosting the 5th Annual Crab Races!
$30 gets your crab, entry fee and din din!
Come on down and sign up. Friday is the cut off day so get entered! For more info. check us out on Facebook!
Update for Wednesday, January 23, 2013 at 09:10:41 (PST)
Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year break. The weather's been great here and the 49ers are off to the Superbowl ... not a bad start.
If things continue on course we should have some more good news, fairly soon, about the brewery. In spite of the Chinese calendar, we're hoping this is the year of the Rat.
Update for Thursday, June 28, 2012 at 13:30:16 (PDT)
For those of you who've sent us emails asking for an explanation about the ticket sales (even the rude ones), we get it, you're frustrated and disappointed, but there's a bit of misdirected venom. All we've done is organize a good event.
The Beer Revival has always been a small event (a micro festival). We have set a capacity that we adhere to, we don't just print more tickets (and clearly we could), and that's no small part of what sets us apart. We strive to find the balance between fundraising and value for everyone involved. It's also why we cater the event (providing enough meat to the BBQ teams to hand out an average of 2 lbs of delicious BBQ to everyone on the beach). We all: attendees, vendors, volunteers and organizers enjoy the relaxed, friendly and (reasonably) coherent reveling that results from having plenty of good food and some pretty fantastic beer to wash it down with. With one vendor/volunteer for every four attendees, we've also made an effort to remove any sense of urgency. If we thought there was a way we could expand the event and channel more ticket sales to our senior's center without diluting the quality of the Beer Revival we would.
It's a source of pride to Stumptown to see our modest brewpub hosting an event where this many adults can get together, drink good beer and drink it well.
We have given ticketing a lot of thought and agree that the bulk purchase of tickets and scalping would harm the spirit of the event. We believe there was no better way the ticket sales could have been handled: half the tickets were sold online, half at the brewery. No one purchased more than four tickets and the online tickets are non-transferable. We've made scalping as difficult as possible and we're not expecting much of a secondary market.
Other than sending out an email to last year's attendees we barely advertised. We even set up the event through the ticketing agent as "private" to prevent eventbrite from promoting the Beer Revival through their website or on google searches: you had to already know and access the ticketing page through the Stumptown Brewery website. If you have a better strategy we'd be grateful if you'd share it.
As for the speed the online tickets sold ... no one was expecting that, but we know that part of the reason it seemed sold out within a few minutes was due to eventbrite "locking" the maximum number of tickets for each person to avoid over selling. I'm not sure how the rest of it works, and this is still light speed as far as we're concerned, but there were ticket sales as late as 1:46 p.m. In spite of some claims, no tickets were sold before 1.00 p.m.
There it is, now that you know how ticket sales were handled it's more appropriate to be disappointed by it. We feel we've done everything we can, to the extent we can, to keep the tickets going to the actual people who plan to use them and we're confident that'll be the case. There are just too many quality revelers and too few tickets. Maybe you might want to attack the problem from the other direction: stop telling your "friends" and hate us on yelp.
Update for Monday, July 11, 2011 at 14:48:27 (PDT)
Saturday August 6th those cool guys at Asien's Appliance are putting on
"EGGS ON THE RIVER" here on our beach at Stumptown Brewery.
FYI all you BBQ enthusiasts there will be Big Green Egg cooking demonstrations, sampling, beer and music.
For more info on registering or attending goto
Update for Saturday, March 05, 2011 at 08:58:20 (PST)
Hello Crazy People! Yes, the Russian River Beer Revival is once again just around the corner. I know it is verrry exciting and we don't want to miss it but the tickets will not go on sale until JUNE. Check the Beer Revival tab for updated info. You will be able to purchase them online and here at the pub. Cheers! We will see you in August!!
Update for Wednesday, December 08, 2010 at 11:21:11 (PST)
Heads Up Crab Racers!
The date for the races has been changed to
See you then :)
Update for Monday, November 29, 2010 at 08:29:32 (PST)
It's that time again! Crab Races!!
Saturday December 11th. 1pm pick your crab and name him. 2pm races start! Sign up with the bartender.
$20 Entry. After the race enjoy the crab feed with salad and garlic bread!
Update for Wednesday, October 27, 2010 at 09:24:56 (PDT)
October 29, 1919 was the beginning of Prohibition.
Saturday Oct 30, 2010 we will be celebrating Halloween with a Stumptown Speakeasy Party! Contest for best dressed, Ragtime music, Pinnacle Vodka Girls, Drink specials all night long...and let's not forget the password "Fear the Beard!"
Don't drink and drive...Stay at The Russian River Studios for $99.
Call them at (707) 869-8129 Tell Fred Stumptown sent ya!
Update for Thursday, August 26, 2010 at 14:30:29 (PDT)
The 8th Russian River Beer Revival & BBQ Cook Off was a blinding success. Thanks to all that helped, volunteered and attended.
We have counted the votes for the BBQ Cook-Off and the results are as follows:
By Judges
1) The Mad Scientists
2) Northwood Restaurant
3) Smokin' Daddy's BBQ
1) Bender's Bar and Grill
2) Bushgen's Boys BBQ
3) Smokin' Daddy's Catering
People's Choice
1) Two Fat Jacks
2) Hella Grubbin'
3) Blackhole BBQ
1) Two Fat Jacks
2) Bushgen's Boys BBQ & No Ho Redwings (Tied)
3) Blackhole BBQ
What a great day.
Update for Monday, June 21, 2010 at 15:05:34 (PDT)
Yesterday we sold out of Beer Revival and BBQ Cook off tickets. Sorry to say, if you don't have a ticket, you're going to have to wait til next year. If you do have a ticket ... see you on the 21st of August (if not sooner).
Update for Wednesday, May 05, 2010 at 08:22:19 (PDT)
If you're headed up to Boonville this weekend for the Beer Festival, make a pit stop a Stumptown: stretch your legs, scratch an itch, rehydrate.
See you there, see you here.
Update for Friday, February 05, 2010 at 09:42:09 (PST)
Why not join us for the big game this Sunday:
It sounds like the weather will be here.
7 T.V.s + the Big Screen.
Dollar Dogs Menu: Build your own (Polish or Hot Link), Meatball sliders. The regular menu will also be available, and there'll be plenty of bar snacks and nibbles if you just want to graze.
Door prizes drawn quarterly, and a grand prize of your very own Jager Machine.
And let us keep your designated driver happy with free sodas, juices, and coffee.
Update for Wednesday, January 06, 2010 at 13:35:25 (PST)
3rd Annual Crab Races are almost here!
Saturday January 16th at 3pm
Come in and sign up! There are only 40 spots!
$20 entry fee includes crab feed after the race
Update for Monday, August 17, 2009 at 08:12:45 (PDT)
What a great day ... thanks to everyone who participated and attended the 7th Russian River Beer Revival and BBQ Cook Off. We couldn't have asked for a better day. We didn't just drink good beer, we drank good beer well.
And the BBQ: yet again the BBQ was exceptional. Well done to all the BBQ teams. We didn't just eat good bbq, we devoured over a ton and a half of good BBQ in six hours. There must've been a lot of old bulls in the paddock.
Bob St Clair was kind enough to join us and presented the trophies for the BBQ teams this year. In case you missed the announcement:
By Judges
1) Black Hole BBQ
2) Inlaws and Outlaws
3) Code 3 BBQ
1) Smokin' Daddy's BBQ
2) Pokers and Smokers
3) Bear Republic's Hop Rods
Thanks again to everyone. A great day to benefit a great bunch of people.
Update for Wednesday, August 05, 2009 at 08:30:30 (PDT)
The Beer Revival and the Bus Shuttles have sold out.
If you're joining us for the Beer Revival (and you're driving) we suggest you arrive early to find parking. Gate opens at noon, with beer tasting from 1 p.m.
In other news:
Wired Magazine:
Amber Ale: Brewing Beer From 45-Million-Year-Old Yeast
Wired Science:
Gallery: The Making of a Prehistoric Brew
Contra Costa Times:
Better with age: Prehistoric yeast key to Fossil Fuels Beer
Cal Poly Magazine:
Ancient Ale: Bringing the Good Things Back to Life
Washington Post:
The Beer That Takes You Back . . . Millions of Years
Prehistoric Yeast Used to Brew Fossil Fuels Beer
Update for Thursday, July 02, 2009 at 15:31:26 (PDT)
Online Ticket Sales for the Beer Revival have ended but don't panic just yet ... there are still tickets available at Russian River Brewing (Santa Rosa), Bear Republic Brewing (Healdsburg), The Beach Chalet (San Francisco) and here at Stumptown.
Update for Wednesday, June 10, 2009 at 13:24:27 (PDT)
For those of you who read the LA Times, "locked up tight as a drum" just means the reporter popped in before noon on a weekday (we open at noon). We're glad to say, the rumours of our demise have been grossly exaggerated.
We have a couple of new beers on tap right now: The Fossil Fuel's XPort (a Scottish / ESB style) fermented with the Fossil Fuels yeast; and, our Blackberry Lager (great to wash down some ribs on a sunny afternoon). The Rat Bastard and BushWacker are also on right now. We have the next batch of FF XP (which we brewed with Erin from
Wired Magazine) conditioning, all things being equal, we'll have it ready for the glass by July 4th.
Kickball and Cocktails is just around the corner (June 20), the teams are full but we'll make room for you in the bleachers ... it's almost impossible to explain.
Update for Monday, March 23, 2009 at 09:19:49 (PDT)
Guess what time it is! Chuck's Birthday!!!
We will be celebrating this Saturday at 9pm!
Cake, look-a-like contest and you just never know what we have in store for the big guy.
We Love You Chuck Norris!!!
See You There!
Update for Monday, March 02, 2009 at 17:11:03 (PST)
Chuck Norris' birthday approaches.
What does that mean to you?
Update for Saturday, January 17, 2009 at 10:04:46 (PST)
We're gearing up for our Chinese New Year celebration on Sat. January 31st. While it will always be the Year of the Rat at Stumptown, we'll still lift a pint the the other miscellaneous creatures of the Chinese calendar. This year we'll be plowing (ouch) through the evening with the Ox.
Entertainment and Yum Cha start at 9 p.m. As usual, no cover for entry to this circus, but the kitchen's closed so 21+. Also, Be warned, No round eyed milk drinkers, you're expected to dress appropriately ... prizes are involved.
We just had the 2nd Annual Stumptown Crab Race (Jan 3rd). What a hoot.
Update for Wednesday, January 14, 2009 at 09:51:34 (PST)
Party, Party, Party! Here's the Stumptown lineup...
Saturday January 31st....Chinese New Year Celebration! 9pm
Sunday February 1st....Superbowl Sunday!!
Tuesday February 3rd....Bartenders Dinner Pasta Bake! 3pm
Worried about the weather?? Stumptown now has the patio enclosed!
Come check it out!
Update for Monday, December 08, 2008 at 11:40:40 (PST)
It's taken a while but we finally have some more recent photos up of goings on around here, and managed to get a few nice shots from this years Beer Revival. Thanks to Shelli and Tracey for having the discipline to put down their beers and BBQ and take the time to take some shots (unfortunately none of us did). Even Jack, from Lost Coast Brewery, contributed one of the photos ... if you've met Jack you should be able to pick it.
We've decided to try lagering the ancient yeast with the next batch of Fossil Fuels (F.F. X.L.?). We hope to have it tapped around Christmas.
Update for Monday, November 17, 2008 at 10:30:19 (PST)
Hey Bartenders!
Save the Date...Tuesday, December 2nd 2008....3pm
Stumptown will be hosting a Spaghetti Feed for all you Hardworking Sonoma County Bartenders. For more info contact Deanna or give us a call (707) 869-0705.
Update for Sunday, October 12, 2008 at 13:25:18 (PDT)

The Football season has started ... we've got NFL Sunday Ticket, and we're opening at 10.00 a.m. Sunday mornings. Catch the first game and try our
Sunday brunch menu.
We're also open in the kitchen from 4.00 p.m. on Monday afternoons ... you can't have Monday night football without chicken wings!
Update for Tuesday, September 09, 2008 at 14:17:31 (PDT)
Here's a belated update ... as we continue to recover from the Beer Revival & BBQ Cook Off. Thanks to all that helped, volunteered and attended.
We have counted the votes for the BBQ Cook-Off and the results are as follows:
By Judges
1) Russian River Roasters
2) Two Fatt Jacks
3) Code 3 BBQ
1) Bear Republic
2) Fat Daddy's BBQ
3) Ridiculously Raunchy Ribs
People's Choice
1) Hella Grubbin'
2) Gilardi's Smoke Out
3) Two Fatt Jacks
1) Hollydale Cookers
2) No Ho Redwings
3) Hella Grubbin'
Over All
1) Fat Daddy's BBQ
2) Russian River Roasters
3) Two Fatt Jacks
Honorable Mentions to:
Grillin' & Swillin' & The Short Rib Burners.
The BBQ this year was blinding.
Congratulations and thanks to all the teams for another great Beer Revival & BBQ Cook Off. The festival was a huge success all the way around.
Update for Tuesday, August 05, 2008 at 18:27:31 (PDT)
Hey Peeps! Get your tickets for The Beer Revival....they are going FAST!
On Sale here at STUMPTOWN, BEAR REPUBLIC in Healdsburg, RUSSIAN RIVER BREW CO. in Santa Rosa or online through the website....SEE YOU THERE!
Update for Tuesday, July 29, 2008 at 14:46:05 (PDT)
On Sunday we have live music on the deck!
First time playing at Stumptown is "Johnny Tsunami and the Hurricanes!" 4pm
Update for Tuesday, July 29, 2008 at 14:44:05 (PDT)
Hi Everyone!
This Saturday "Allways Elvis" will be rockin' Stumptown, Peter and John will be roasting a pig on the spit and the Jager Girls will be there to celebrate Deanna's Birthday! So put on your Blue Hawaiian attire and come hang out!
Update for Tuesday, July 08, 2008 at 08:46:40 (PDT)
This Sunday....Rosetown Ramblers playing on the deck!
Don't forget, get your "Beer Revival" tickets for Saturday August 16th here at Stumptown. We sold out last year!
Update for Tuesday, June 17, 2008 at 11:58:28 (PDT)
Hi Everyone! We have a great line-up this weekend...
This friday we have a surprise guest band playing at 3 o'clock....
"Unkle Monkey"
And that's not all !!
Sunday Afternoon on the deck we'll have live music by "FREESOUND" yep, they are back for a short visit. Ya don't wanna miss it!
Update for Thursday, June 12, 2008 at 15:04:21 (PDT)
Summertime is upon us! Cruise on out to Stumptown and throw back a cold one. We will have live music by "Frobeck" out on the deck this Sunday....and while you are here, pick up your "Russian River Beer Revival" tickets on sale at the pub. Cheers!
Update for Tuesday, May 27, 2008 at 10:00:16 (PDT)
Hey all you birthday kids!
Stumptown is hosting a Gemini Party!
Saturday June 7th, the party kicks off @ 9pm.
The Jager girls will be in the house and live music by "Sex and Machines"
Come dance and eat cake....whoo hoo!!
Update for Wednesday, May 14, 2008 at 21:42:19 (PDT)
Saturday is going to be action packed!
Registration for Kickball and Cocktails begins @ 10am, yep we're opening early!
Games start @ high noon, we've got the Tommy Bahama girls coming and...
"1/4 Mile Combo" throwing down some live rockabilly tunes later for the after party.
Come cheer for the "Tip U Bastards" team!
See you there!!!
Update for Tuesday, April 29, 2008 at 18:20:19 (PDT)
It's that time of Year Again! Kickball & Cocktails "Tournament of Champions!"
When? Saturday May 17th
Where? Stumptown Beach
Sign-ups for the "Tip U Bastards" River team are at the bar!
We'd like to welcome back University of Sports & Spancky's and the rumor of
The 8 ball in Cotati bringing in a team has been confirmed!
Whoo hoo! Come Cheer on Your Team!
See you there!
Update for Friday, April 18, 2008 at 08:50:53 (PDT)
Put on your Go-Go boots and get ready to party this Saturday April 19th!
It's Stumptown's Anniversary Party! There will be dancing, appetizers and cake.
Party starts at 9pm! You don't want to miss this one!
Update for Monday, April 07, 2008 at 09:17:21 (PDT)
Scottish Highland Games this Saturday April 12th on our beach! Come check it out! You'll have a birds-eye view from the deck. Have a beer and some lunch. They will be competing in "Throwing of the caber" "Putting of the stone" and other ancient athletic games of Scotland. Yep, they will be wearing their kilts!
Update for Wednesday, April 02, 2008 at 17:45:36 (PDT)
Yes! Spring is upon us. We can tell because the deck has been filling up with people sippin' brew and soakin' up the sun.
We have some Spring Fever line-ups for April...
*This Friday April 4th Hilary Marckx & 45-90 will be playing some Rockabilly Tunes starting @ 8pm.
*Saturday April 12th the big boys are back! Come check out the Scottish Games! You'll have a birds-eye view from the deck.
*Saturday April 19th Come celebrate Stumptown Au-Go-Go Anniversary Party! Break out the shiny boots and short skirts cuz were having a party!
And....it's a good time to get your liver in shape because May 17th is our 4th Annual Kickball & Cocktails Tournament of Champions!
I'll keep ya posted!
Update for Saturday, March 01, 2008 at 10:38:24 (PST)
Hey Stumptownians! Just an update to let ya know, we will have St. Peterbilt in the house for Chucks Birthday Party! So we be dancin' to some Rockabilly tunes.
But that's not All!! Sunday the 9th FreeSound will be playing out on the deck! 3-6pm, you don't want to miss it! If the sun isn't shining we will just move the party inside!
See You There!
Update for Sunday, February 24, 2008 at 10:32:31 (PST)
Hey everyone! Ya know that guy Chuck? Yeah, Chuck Norris! Well it just so happens he's got a birthday coming up and we will be celebrating it Saturday March 8th @ 9pm. There will be live music and a Look-a-Like contest! Come eat cake! Fact: Chuck Norris does not get frost bite. Chuck Norris bites frost!
Update for Wednesday, January 23, 2008 at 16:31:51 (PST)
Just wanted to let everyone know what we've got in store for February.
Sunday Feb. 3rd "Superbowl Party"
Saturday Feb. 9th "Chinese New Year Party"
(ya know..it is "Year of the Rat")
Costumes are a must!
Come check out 1/4 Mile Combo and
Soggie Biscuit. Party starts at 9pm!
Thursday Feb. 14th "Stumptown Is For Lovers" yep, you read it right!
Steve is going to be puttin' out a lovely
"Dinner for 2 Special" menu.
Reservations are appreciated.
Update for Saturday, December 22, 2007 at 12:19:16 (PST)
Yes, We'll be open for Christmas ... at least the bar. So if you're looking to escape for a while ... we've got you covered.
Hope you're all having a good holiday season.
We've also decided to move our emphasis from New Years to Chinese New Years. There are plenty of places for the round eyed milk drinker to celebrate on Dec. 31st. Besides, it's the rookiest of rookie nights. So we'll be keeping it low key.
On Saturday Feb. 9th, we plan to ring in the "Year of the Rat" with the all pomp and circumstance you'd expect from the Stump.
We'll be doing all we can at this end to make this the best Year of the Rat ever.
Update for Tuesday, October 09, 2007 at 08:46:49 (PDT)
Yes, the ballots are in for the People's Choice BBQ at this year's Russian River Beer Revival.
1st Place...When Pigs Fly
2nd Place...The Hollydale Cookers
3rd Place...Hella Grubbin'
4th Place...a tie between Fat Daddy's Catering and Swami Tommy's BBQ
A big THANKS to everyone for all your hard work...See You Next Year!
Update for Saturday, September 22, 2007 at 08:30:49 (PDT)
We're tapping the Fossil Fuels XP at the pub today as the official "coming out" for our experimental beer. Celebrating not only the high coefficient of quaffability but also it's entry for judging at the GABF (a first for a beer brewed at Stumptown).
The XP is the 2nd generation of the ancient yeast brew we first played with last year.
Why not join us for a pop.
Update for Sunday, September 02, 2007 at 16:05:47 (PDT)
In case your a plan-ahead kind of weekend warrior, here's our music every Sunday from 5-8pm. Come out and kick it on the deck before the summer ends!
Sept. 9th DGIIN (French Gypsy Funk)
Sept. 16th Frobeck (Pop, Funk, Orig.)
Sept. 23rd The Spindles (Orig. Rock)
Sept. 30th The Dirty Dub Band (Reggae Jam Band)
See You Sunday!!
Update for Sunday, September 02, 2007 at 15:55:57 (PDT)
Tonight come check out the Ridgeband. On the deck 5pm! A cold brew some good grub and live music...doesn't get much better than that!
Update for Monday, August 20, 2007 at 18:55:42 (PDT)
The Revival was a great success. We could not have hoped for more. We Sold out of tickets and everyone was fat and happy.
We also sold out of T-Shirts so we'll be making an order for more (most of us didn't get one either). If you wanted a shirt and couldn't get one,
Drop us a line with your size and we'll add it to the order. They're $15 each + one time $5 S&H.
The Rat Bastard Shirts are $15 also if you wanted to include one with your shipment.
Here we go with the controversial results of the BBQ Cook Off from the Judges:
We'll let you know the results from the"People's Choice" as soon as we've tallied the votes.
Thanks to all who came: Breweries, BBQ'ers, Volunteers, and attendees. Your contribution to our Senior Center is greatly appreciated.
Update for Friday, August 17, 2007 at 20:00:23 (PDT)
Beer Revival and BBQ Cook-Off is upon us again. The meats are marinating as are the teams. Hope you're hungry.
There will be tickets available at the gate tomorrow ... but be sure to get here early. We are already at the 70% mark.
The shuttle Bus from the Overflow parking area will run back and forth from the Senior Center Parking area to the Revival from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and, after the event, from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Directions to the overflow parking area as follows:
From Stumptown Brewery:
Continue West towards Guerneville.
At Second Light Turn Right on
Armstrong Woods Road.
Follow "Event Parking" Signs to 15010 Armstrong Woods Road.
Turn in ... You've found it.
The shuttle is free, but tips for the drivers would be appreciated.
Hope you can make it.
Update for Friday, August 10, 2007 at 14:11:12 (PDT)
We are counting down to the Russian River Beer Revival...Yep, it's that time again! 7 more days..get your tickets before the event, check out the link!
Oh...and remember No kids, No Dogs and No Rookies!! See Ya There...
Update for Friday, August 10, 2007 at 14:06:16 (PDT)
Happy Friday! It's the weekend once again and we have live music on the deck..."Sofa Kings." Also, the Tommy Bahama girls will be here with goodies for all you rum drinkers! Come check it out 5-8pm!
Update for Wednesday, June 13, 2007 at 19:25:59 (PDT)
DGIIN is playing Sunday @ 4:30!
Update for Friday, April 20, 2007 at 09:45:52 (PDT)
Hi ... long time since our last update. Deanna is pretty slack on stuff like that.
Anyway, we've got Dgiin playing this Sunday, on the Deck, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. As usual, no cover.
Hope to see you here (be thirsty).
Update for Thursday, November 16, 2006 at 12:17:47 (PST)
We've been pretty busy busting out the new deck.
The slab is poured and the awning is up. The piers are in and we started rolling out the joists for the decking yesterday. Unfortunately today is a rain day, but the weather has been fairly kind so far so we can't complain.
Feel free to stop by, have a beer and check on our progress.
Maybe you just want to stop in, have a beer and see what a building permit looks like.
Whatever the reason, have a beer and bring a friend if you've got one ... this deck is costing a fortune.
Once again we'll be hosting our "Misfits Thanksgiving". We handle the Turkey and the gravy ... the rest is all pot luck.
How does 4 p.m. sound?
Update for Friday, October 20, 2006 at 10:21:13 (PDT)
We got the permits back the other day allowing us to remodel and expand our deck. Right now, the deck is a construction zone. Although we had hoped to be a little further along, it still looks as though the weather is on our side and we'll get to pour the slab next Tuesday.
Before Christmas we'll be known as the brewery with the biggest deck. The diminutive and the deckless will stand in awe of the magnitude of El Stumpo's deck. Of course, we are prepared to deal with inevitable deck envy.
It was nice to see the beer revival got a review from Jay in the current issue of the Celebrator.
Update for Monday, September 25, 2006 at 09:57:13 (PDT)
It's a done deal. We fire up the grill tonight with BBQ Oysters and other tasty treats.
Sometimes it feels like a damn sports bar in here.
Update for Tuesday, September 12, 2006 at 14:18:07 (PDT)
The football has started again and if you're wondering who has the NFL Sunday ticket in Guerneville ... that'd be us, Bob.
Pub opens at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings for the first kick off.
Monday evenings we've got hotdogs during the game and (with a litle luck) we'll be firing up our BBQ next week for Monday night oysters.
Update for Tuesday, August 22, 2006 at 11:03:39 (PDT)
The Beer Revival and BBQ CookOff was a huge success. Not a single idiot in the bunch. If you managed to come, thanks for your support (to both the event and the "Joy Road Forest & Watershed Association" and "Town Hall Coalition"). Especially, thanks for keeping this a knucklehead free gathering.
The Winning BBQ Teams were:
Caitlin Marigold (@ Frank Howard Allen) for Ribs; and,
Clear Cut to the Coast (Garden Grill) for Wings.
Once again the standard of BBQ was very high all round so there wasn't much in it at all.
Thanks to all the Breweries, BBQ Teams, and volunteers that worked hard and donated their time, efforts and beers (there was no shortage of great beer to be had) to the cause.
BTW: If you didn't manage to pickup one of our official Revival T-Shirts at the event, we still have some sizes available at the Brewery for $20. They were the one's with the logo on the front and the Breweries and BBQ Teams listed on the Back (Mens: Black or Desert Sand; Ladies: White with Black Cap Sleeve).
Drop us a line and we'll let you know if we still have your size.
Update for Saturday, August 12, 2006 at 14:06:36 (PDT)
The Beer Revival & BBQ CookOff is just around the corner. This time next week we'll be a mad house (more than the usual mad house).
If you are coming you may want to start your fast now.
The ladies' guild of St. Elizabeth's Church have been kind enough to provide our event goers with overflow parking. It's only about 1 1/2 miles past the brewery, located behind the Fire House on 4th St in Guerneville. There's a $5.00 fee for parking (proceeds going to the Ladies' Guild), which includes the shuttle bus that will be running continuously throughout the day from the parking area to the Beer Revival.
Directions to the overflow parking area as follows.
From River Rd. Heading West:
Continue past brewery about one mile.
At 2nd Light turn right (Armstrong Woods Rd).
Make Second Left (on to 4th St).
Parking is on your immediate right.
From 116 West:
Turn Left from lights at Bridge towards Guerneville.
At next lights, about a block, turn Right onto Armstrong Woods Rd.
Make Second left onto 4th St.
Parking is on your right.
We also have a shuttle bus coming from the 5th St. entrance of Russian River Brewing Co. The first bus leaves Russian River Brewing at 11:30, with the last bus leaving Stumptown at 6.00 p.m. It's only $10.00, to cover the cost of the bus, and it's a smart door to door option if your coming through Santa Rosa.
Don't forget:
Designated drivers can enjoy all the Food, BBQ and Non-Alcoholic beverages at the revival for 50% off the regular ticket price (They still have to be over 21).
As I'm sure you've gathered, driving and parking is an issue. If you have the option to car pool (with a designated driver) or take one of our shuttles we strongly encourage you to do so.
Please No Kids, No Dogs, No Rookies.
Update for Friday, June 30, 2006 at 15:12:59 (PDT)
We've been keeping this one under our hat until we were sure the experiment was a success. Now we're sure. We'll be cracking the taps on the oldest beer ever brewed for the public next Sat. July 8th. The "Tyrannosaurus-Rat" (T-Rat) was brewed using 30 million-year old yeast. Here's the press release with more details if you're interested:
Stumptown Brewery and Environmental Diagnostics combine forces to create the "oldest" production beer in the world.
Guerneville, CA, 27 June, 2006.
�Worth the Wait�
For the first time, 25-40 million year old yeast has been used to brew a commercial batch of beer (�Tyrannosaurus Rat�) to be made available to the public on July 8th at Stumptown Brewery (15045 River Rd. Guerneville, Ca.). Dr. Raul Cano, Lewis "Chip" Lambert, and Peter Hackett will be celebrating this historic event and available for questions from 11:00A.M. on Saturday July 8th.
The public tasting of the T-Rat is the culmination of coincidences that involved a 20-40 million-year old bee trapped in amber and discovered in the Dominican Republic, a pair of renowned scientists, a ski weekend and an award winning microbrewery.
Amber is nature�s perfect preservative. It desiccates its specimens and protects them from damaging radiation of all types. Man has successfully used it to preserve their dead for thousands of years; Nature has preserved many of its inhabitants, including the recently identified spider web, in their elegant tombs for tens of millions of years.
Dr. Raul J. Cano, Emeritus Professor at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, reported in Science (Volume 268, May 19, 1995) that he extracted a living bacterium from the gut of a stingless bee entombed in amber 25 � 40 million years ago. Independently, Lewis (Chip) Lambert, Fremont, CA, at the time Director of Pre-Clinical Research at a Bay Area biotech company, confirmed his work in a very skeptical scientific environment that has, for the most part, accepted its validity. In addition, Raul�s work became the underlying premise for the movie Jurassic Park.
The patented ancient microorganisms (USPO#5,593,883) became the focus of a new company based on the potential use of these microbial isolates for industrial and medical applications, and the hunt began. From the ancient-amber library came a few yeast strains and with them, the question, could they be used to make beer? The answer was a resounding yes as very good beer was brewed for the Jurassic Park II cast party and Raul�s daughter�s wedding reception.
After this initial success,
Fossil Fuels Brewing Company was born with the motto "We bring good things back to life". Using ancient yeasts that had all been thoroughly tested and selected for their beer-making properties, Fossil Fuels Brewing Co. planned to produce high quality distinctive beers with yeasts that had been isolated from amber.
The partners then proposed trials of these ancient yeasts to numerous microbreweries. Much to their surprise, in an industry that thrives on innovation, found a lack of enthusiasm among commercial breweries.
Fast forward a few years to the snowy slopes of Alpine Meadows where Carla Hackett was taking a ski lesson from Raul�s now friend and business partner, Chip. Carla had all the attributes of a great skier that her husband, an Aussie who owns the Stumptown Brewery in Guerneville, lacks. On the second, never the first, ride up the chair lift, an important relationship was established when the question was raised, �would you like to make some beer with some patented, 45-million year-old yeast?� The affirmative response started a brewing relationship between Stumptown Brewery and Environmental Diagnostics, Inc.
This random path led the ancient yeast to Stumptown Brewery on May 6th where Peter, Owner/Brewer, put the yeast to work. On June 21st came the news that "T-Rat" had finished fermenting and was conditioning. Perhaps most importantly, that it's "very good, very unique. The yeast character is unusual, exotic, and very pronounced".
Join Dr. Raul Cano, Lewis "Chip" Lambert, and Peter Hackett at Stumptown Brewery on 8 July 2006 and taste a bit of history.
About Stumptown Brewery:
Stumptown Brewery, established in 1996, and home of "Rat Bastard Pale Ale"� is an award winning Brew Pub located at 15045 River Road, Guerneville, CA on the banks of the Russian River.
About Environmental Diagnostics:
Environmental Diagnostics Inc., was established in 2001 and is located at 1854 Castillo Court, in San Luis Obispo, CA.
Update for Friday, February 03, 2006 at 14:44:43 (PST)
We finally got the place back to 100%.
The Kitchen re-opened a couple of weeks ago and we decided to take the opportunity to change the format: Now we're a Steak House.
We dropped the BBQ (the smoker was one of the casualties of the flood). We kept the Burgers, F & C's, Steak Pies, wings etc. and added N.Y. & Rib eye steaks for dinner: Wed - Sun 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. (We cut our own steaks about 1.5" thick). So far the change has been well received.
Kocked out a couple of brews last week and that puts us back on track.
We've reinstated the "Wall of Football" for the Superbowl this weekend and "Half-Pint Dgiin" will be playing our half-time show.
Update for Thursday, January 5, 2006
Hope you all stayed high and dry for New Year's. We took on a bit of water.
We'll have the photos up shortly but in the meantime, thanks to everyone who helped with the evacuation and clean up. We re-opened the doors on Tuesday afternoon.
Thanks also to the Russian River Pub, Jack Russell Brewing, Iron Bark Brewing, and Ruth McGowen's Brewing for the offers of help. Fortunately this was not a bad flood for us so we expect to be back at full speed in a week or so.
On the Subject of New Years, since everyone in town missed the celebration, we decided to postpone our bash until Saturday, January 21.
Update for Tuesday, September 27, 2005 at 11:35:19 (PDT)
Almost forgot. If you're looking for somewhere to watch the footy ... Stumptown now has the NFL Sunday ticket. We open at 10:00 am on Sundays to catch the first kick-off.
Update for Tuesday, September 27, 2005 at 11:34:16 (PDT)
Thanks to everyone that came to the Beer Revival and BBQ Cook-Off last month. It was a great success: not only a lot of fun, it was also rewarding for the Pocket Canyon Protection Group (who achieved their goals re: the timber harvest and their bills are paid).
Next year it looks like the event will be held on the 19th of August.
Update for Tuesday, August 09, 2005 at 10:29:08 (PDT)
R.R. Beer Revival has over 20 breweries and 25 BBQ teams. Unfortunately that means we can't accept any more competitors for the BBQ Cook-Off. It also means the beach is going to smell great on the 20th.
The "Dirty Rat Bastard" went on tap this week. We brewed it to celebrate our 100th batch. Very big ... very hoppy.
We had a bit of a glitch with the website the other day. Hopefully it's all fixed. You may notice our new address is "stumptown.com". I think I've caught everything, but if you notice anything not working properly, please
Drop us a Line and let us know.
Update for Friday, July 29, 2005 at 10:26:06 (PDT)
Beer Revival and BBQ Cook-Off is just around the corner (Sat. Aug. 20th). Believe it or not, this year promises to be even more fun. In addition to a greater number of Breweries and BBQ teams, we've arranged for a shuttle bus to run to and from Stumptown Brewery and the Russian River Brewing Co. (on 4th St. in Santa Rosa). It'll run continuously with the first bus leaving Russian River Brewing's 5th parking at 11:30 a.m. and the last bus leaving the Beer Revival and BBQ Cook-Off at about 5:45 p.m. The shuttle is only $10. With an endorsed pre-sale ticket, that totals $36 (less than some events charge for entry). Nothing when you consider the ease of parking with ample public parking directly across the street from the pick-up / drop-off point (a helluva lot closer than you'll have to walk if you try to park here), door to door delivery, and the ease of mind not having to drive.
On another note, we finished the kitchen remodel about a month ago and have added burgers, fish & chips, and other pub grub to our smokehouse menu.
To celebrate our 100th batch we knocked out what we would like to call "Dirty Rat Bastard". It's big, hoppy and conditioning right now. It should be ready to tap in another week or so.
Update for Friday, May 27, 2005 at 15:06:51 (PDT)
Memorial Day is upon us and the weather is finally here. Unfortunately the fish and chips are not. If all goes well, and with a little luck, we'll be getting the kitchen up and running by next weekend (June 4th).
Unlike the fish and chips Hank arrived early.
The Russian River Beer Revival and BBQ Cook-Off (Sat. Aug. 20th) is falling nicely into place. Most of the Breweries and BBQ teams have already signed up for this year.
Update for Saturday, March 19, 2005 at 14:50:04 (PST)
Spring is upon us and the weather has been great. Hope everyone enjoyed St. Pat's. We'll be coming up on our 8th Anniversary shortly (April 14th). I think Eric plans to reincarnate Stumptown Au-Go-Go to celebrate.
The plans for the kitchen have been submitted and, if all goes smoothly, we'll be knocking out Sonoma County's best fried chicken and Fish & Chips by May.
We've already started planning the:
"Russian River Beer Revival and BBQ Cook-Off"
The date is set: Saturday, August 20th.
Last year we had about 16 breweries and 20 BBQ teams. Fortunately, they all enjoyed the event as much as the festival goers so, although we've only just sent out our invitation letter, many of the breweries and bbq teams have already "committed". That said, we're expecting an even bigger turnout this year (in beer, bbq, and attendance). So be prepared as we'll want to limit attendance to about 650 (So we don't run out of beer and bbq).
When the tickets go on sale they'll run about $30. In addition to the beer samples, you'll also get all the BBQ you can eat (and these teams are competing so it's probably the best bbq you'll ever get), on the river front, listening to great live tunes.
The gate for the Beer Revival and BBQ Cook-Off will open at noon. Beer samples will be available from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. The bands will start at 12:30 and play until 6 p.m. With the bbq served from 12:20 to 6 p.m. (that gives you an hour, if you want it, to wind down after the beer tasting). Non-Alcoholic beverages will be available, free, throughout the event and designated drivers will be given a 50% discount on their tickets.
We're also trying to set up a bus from Russian River Brewing Co. (in Santa Rosa) to the Stump. The details are still a little sketchy but if there are enough expressions of interest, we'd like to arrange a shuttle to and from the event.
If you think you might be interested fielding a bbq team for the event, just
"Drop us a Line" and we'll get the details to you.
Did I mention we'll de doing Fish & Chips soon?
Update for Wednesday, December 08, 2004 at 14:12:35 (PST)
Well, it's been a while since the last update.
The Beer Revival and BBQ Cook-Off was a huge success. I don't think we've ever smelt better. If you made it, thanks for coming, it proved to be the best fund raiser for the Pocket Canyon Protection Group ever.
The improvements to the place are just about done, a few minor loose ends to tie up and we're ready for our final. The finished product will be on the website shortly.
We brewed our first doppelbock about three weeks ago. It'll be ready to drink sometime next week.
Update for Monday, August 16, 2004 at 11:48:30 (PDT)
The Russian River Beer Revival and BBQ Cook-Off is this weekend (August 21st 1 - 5 p.m.).
Here's the skinny:
Breweries Confirmed so far:
Beach Chalet Brewery, Bear Republic Brewing Co., Eel River Brewing Co., Eldos Brewery, Lagunitas Brewing Co., Marin Brewing Co., Moonlight Brewing Co., Moylan's Brewing Co., Ross Valley Brewing Co., Russian River Brewing Co., Ruth McGowen's Brew Pub, Silverado Brewing Co., Stumptown Brewery, Ukiah Brewing Co.
About 15 BBQ Teams Confirmed (with more signing up each day):
The Master Basters (from the Pink Elephant), Soul on a Roll BBQ & Co., Windsor Wine Shop, Wild Jane's, Bee Kind, Ziegler Mechanical, Golden Pacific Island Foods, Caitlin Marigold, Imperial Door, 3 Guys and a Grill, Mo'z Deli, The Swami Tommy, Northwood Restaurant, Benjamminz BBQ, and Rib Satan.
Music: One Horse Town and The JRB Band w/ Tom and Sara Finn.
Tickets: $24 in advance, $28 at the gates.
Tickets are available at:
Peoples Music / Sebastopol
Last Record Store / Santa Rosa
Back Door Disc and Tape / Cotati
Marin Brewing Co. / Larkspur
Ukiah Brewing Co. / Ukiah
The Beach Chalet Brewery / San Francisco
Stumptown Brewery / Guerneville.
Must be 21, Try to car pool: There'll be plenty of food and non-alcoholic beverages available for your designated driver (Designated Drivers only $10 on the day of the event).
Update for Sunday, July 25, 2004 at 13:47:36 (PDT)
A few things have happened worth mentioning of late.
We got word recently that the Bushwacker wheat won a bronze medal and the Rat was awarded a blue ribbon at the California State Fair. We're all very proud of our Rat Bastard ... fear not, such accolades do not beget legitimacy.
In addition, we've finally entered the wholesale arena. Rat Bastard Pale Ale is now available at
The Pink Elephant, The Highland Dell, and
John and Zeke's.
Speaking of additions, we're going up in the world. We started on the new roof and it's coming along nicely. We hope to have it completed before the
Russian River Beer Revival and BBQ Cook-Off on August 21st. It's a worthy cause and a lot of fun: Plenty of Beer to sample, with a host of competing BBQers, and live music (One Horse Town & The Jake Richmond Band with Tom and Sarah Finn).
If you're interested in crossing tongs in West Sonoma County's only BBQ Cook-Off,
Drop us a Line and we'll send off the details.
Also, The Wild Abandoned Indigent Fund For Animals (we call them WAIF) is putting on the 5th annual
Animal Fair. August 7th and 8th from 10am to 6pm. Come join us on the beach. Canine contests, Live Music and great food. Admission is free. For more info call Lori at 707-865-2457. This one is fun for the whole family.
Update for Friday, May 28, 2004 at 11:59:43 (PDT)
It's that time again for the Russian River Reggae Splash ... a benefit for the local volunteer fire dept.
The door (gate) opens at 11 a.m., the music starts at noon.
This years line up includes Prince Rastan, Brimstone w/ Solid Foundation, Sister-I-Live and Songbird, Jah Blazin' Fyah, with Don Carlos as the headliner.
Tickets are $20 in advance or $25 at the door (Children under 12 are free). Tickets are available at Peoples Music in Sebastopol, Zone Music in Cotati, Max Music in San Rafael, Hot Spots in Sonoma and Stumptown Brewery.
For directions, hit our
Need Directions
Further info please call (707) 360-5253.
Update for Friday, May 07, 2004 at 09:52:43 (PDT)
The Petaluma Chili Cook Off was a blast last weekend. Lots of good chili and great beers. It was also good to see Russian River Brewing come out of hibernation.
If you're off to the Anderson Valley Beer Festival this year, we envy you. It's always a good one, but unfortunately we've been culled from the herd.
Our next attendance will be the Santa Rosa BeerFest at the LBC on June 5th.
Update for Thursday, March 18, 2004 at 11:00:43 (PST)
We got the Bushwacker Wheat on line just in time for this weather ... It's always a good sign when the Wheat tap is up.
We're going to roll the dice and start up the Sunday afternoon bluegrass bands on April 4th. To kick us off we'll be tappin' our toes to the
Acme String Ensemble. Ahhh ... Beer, Bluegrass, and BBQ.
Work has already begun reinforcing the barrels for
Stumptown Au-Go-Go on April 17th ... our seventh anniversary.
I finally got around to throwing some more photos up and hope to add some of the recent high water soon (when I figure out how to get the bloody things out of the camera).
Update for Sunday, February 01, 2004 at 14:25:36 (PST)
It's Superbowl Sunday and, if you haven't already got plans, we're doing a little pot luck for the game. A number of people have signed up so there'll be loads of food. Stumpy will be providing Carolina Spare Ribs, Hush Puppies, and New England Clam Chowder. Although no one seems to give a rat's who wins, we'll be watching the game on the "wall of football" and gettin' fat.
We picked up a keg washer the other day, courtesy of a ridiculously generous swap by Vinnie at Russian River Brewing. Can't wait 'til he gets through the permit swamp and knocks out some more beer. For us it means we're well on track to up production and start kegging beer for some of the more discriminating local dives (or rat holes as we'll come to call them).
Update for Monday, November 24, 2003 at 15:05:11 (PST)
The weather has been great so far this year and it looks as though it'll hold for the rest of the week.
Fortunately, not much has been going on at Stumptown of late the madness of summer is passed and, as things slow down a bit, we get the chance to enjoy our little slice of heaven.
Once again Thanksgiving is just around the corner and, as usual, we'll be hosting our "Misfit's Thanksgiving". So, if you don't have plans (or need a contingency) feel free to stop in. We'll be frying a turkey or two and the sides are all pot luck, but don't fret ... the basics are covered so you don't have to bring anything but your appetite.
Update for Thursday, September 25, 2003 at 13:30:10 (PDT)
The "Extreme Outhouse Races" were held last weekend at the Forestville youth park. As you'd probably expect, it was a hoot. Great fun, bbq, and beer tastings. We were there with the Rat, the Bushwacker, and the Bootlegger.
It proved to be a propitious occasion for the Stump. By popular vote, the Rat Bastard won the "Best Microbrew" at the event. Finally the Rat has begun to receive the recognition it deserves. The award ceremony was full of the pomp and circumstance one might expect for such a prestigious award (although, we learned that you can't say
Bastard at an outhouse race).
We pushed a bunch of crap out of way and our outhouse trophy is currently displayed proudly behind the bar (on what we now refer to as our "trophy shelf").
p.s. we now ask that when ordering the Rat you ask for "the award winning Rat Bastard".
Update for Monday, July 21, 2003 at 13:08:26 (PDT)
Thanks to the Pocket Canyon Protection Group for putting on the "Russian River Beer Festival" last weekend, in particular Dianne and Rene (they busted their balls(?) on this one). The response was great and if you attended your support of the prevention of timber harvesting out here is appreciated. If you didn't make it you missed a really fun event. Based on the turnout and the feedback it will be an annual event (and hopefully the Pocket Canyon Protection Group will have achieved there goal by then).
The next event here is the Fourth annual "Animal Fair". A fun family event, on the river front, to support the "Wild, Abandonded, Indigent Fund for Animals" (say that three times fast). We call them WAIF.
It's a two day event from 10am - 6pm on August 2nd and 3rd. There'll be loads of fun and educational activities for the kids, live music and, as it is all volunteer driven, 100% of the proceeds go WAIF.
For more details you can contact Lori Nickel at (707) 865-2457.
p.s. Admission is FREE.
Update for Wednesday, July 09, 2003 at 14:13:56 (PDT)
The LBC Beerfest was a blast, as usual. Great weather, great crowd, great beer and food.
We're hosting our own small festival on the beach on the 19th of this month ... "The Russian River Beer Festival". It's a benefit to support the "Pocket Canyon Protection Group", a local organization dedicated to preventing timber harvesting and development in our little slice of heaven.
"Stiff Dead Cat" & "One Horse Town" will be playing and we've a nice line up of Breweries and Food that should make for a good day on the river.
Need more details?
Drop us a line or give us a call at (707) 869-0705.
Update for Friday, May 30, 2003 at 12:14:30 (PDT)
Got plans for the weekend? If not, stop by. We'll be hosting the first annual Russian River Reggae Festival on the beach tomorrow afternoon (5/31). Gate opens at 11:00 a.m and the first band kicks off at noon. Then its beer, food and music until 7 p.m.
Next weekend will be a ripper also. The Santa Rosa beer festival is on again at the Luther Burbank Center. June 7th 1 - 5 p.m. Always a good one.
Update for Monday, May 12, 2003 at 14:28:35 (PDT)
Looks like the weather is finally here.
The Anderson Valley Beer Festival lived up to its reputation as a blast.
Our next two events are the "KRSH Backyard concerts" this Thursday and Sunday. Then a short wait 'til the Santa Rosa Beer Festival at the LBC.
Update for Monday, March 31, 2003 at 11:31:53 (PST)
Monday the Seventh of April is just a week away ... the 70th aniversary of the repeal of prohibition. We've named our new IPA in honor of this most joyous occasion: "Bootlegger IPA".
It'll be a good day to stop in to any brewery. The Brewer's association has been organizing a unified celebration, so chances are, where ever you are, the fluids will be flowing freely.
We'll be having an all day happy hour ... A "happy day".
Update for Tuesday, February 18, 2003 at 12:58:27 (PST)
The new IPA enjoyed a ripping ferment and has been conditioning for the past couple of weeks.
We'll be tapping it this friday (it tastes so good already we're brewing another batch on Friday).
Looks like it's going to have quite a kick to it but Kruger is hinting that he wants to make it bigger.
We just replaced our old mill with a nice new one. It looks like it gives a good crack and it knocks out about 50lbs of grist in 5 minutes (a step up from the pound per minute we were getting).
Anderson Valley Beer Festival is coming up (in April). If you go to one festival a year, that's the one not to miss ... we won't.
Update for Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 13:53:36 (PST)
Looks like we survived another January without the water coming in the door. Strange winter, it's either been pelting down rain or clear and spring-like.
Just put the new amber on line. The first batch was dedicated to the marriage of Atuay and Jana. So you know what to ask for, it's the "Gay-Hernandez Monogamy Amber". Strange name since I feel less monogomous with each passing pint.
While knocking out the last batch of Rat we decided to add an IPA to the Stumptown Fold. It'll replace the Pillager Pils (which we'll keep on as a seasonal). Not sure of a name yet, any suggestions feel free to drop us a line.
Update for Saturday, December 21, 2002 at 12:29:48 (PST)
In answer to the question: Are we having a
Misfit's Christmas?
Damn straight: On Christmas Day.
The pub will open at noon and, as long as the bartender doesn't get too caught up in the "Christmas Spirit" we should make it to atleast Midnight. At which point we can celebrate no damn Christmas music for a whole damn year.
We've got the Hams and the Yams already lined up. I'll be talking Andre into smoking a couple of tri tips so there be plenty o' meat.
Usually it's a bit of a pot luck, but you'll do just fine even if you just bring your appetite.
As yet, no one here is sure as to whether Warren plans to prepare his famous huervos for the event. My mouth waters at the mere mention of Warren's huervos.
Also, we have a Christmas CD on the Juke Box. Sorry, it's not the Elvis Christmas Album ... with any luck, by this afternoon it will be.
Nobody captures the meaning and spirit of Christmas like the King.
Cheers and "thank you very much".
Update for Friday, November 29, 2002 at 12:41:38 (PST)
We brewed our first amber on Monday. The
Hair of the Rat was so popular its a variation on the Munich. A nice little decocted drop with a kick that should turn even the most reluctant Catholic into a Rugby Queen (No ... this is NOT gay code).
We're gonna call it
Dirty Rat Bastard and expect it to come in a little over 7%.
Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving.
Update for Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 10:32:17 (PST)
It's that time again for our Misfits Thanksgiving.
The pub will stay open 'til atleast 10pm and we'll have a couple of birds and some fixin's.
It's a pot luck (but you don't have to bring anything other than your appetite).
Update for Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 12:40:58 (PST)
He played the pump and took the hump and watered whiskey down
He talked of whores and horses to the men who drank with Brown
I heard them say that Jimmy's making money far away
And some people left for heaven without warning
We'll walk him to the station in the rain
We'll kiss him as we put him on the train
And we'll sing him a song of times long gone
Though we know that we'll be seeing him again.
I hope.
Update for Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 09:48:15 (PDT)
We tapped the Octoberfest last week, a Munich Lager we've decided to call "Hair of the Ratte" (it has a bit of a kick).
It'll soon be time to knock out an Amber for fall.
We're putting Russian River Brewing's "HopTime" on tap at the pub (Vinnies whole hop brew). It's blinding.
Hope everyone else is enjoying the GABF.
Update for Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 15:55:01 (PDT)
Time flies when you run around like a chicken with your head cut off.
We've had a couple of great developments around here in the last month.
First, We received our label approval from the ABC. Making us good to go with our kegging. Once things settle down a bit we'll be selling kegs to pubs.
Second, our liquor license came through last week. Now, when you walk in the pub you can have a single malt with your beer ... which reminds me.
Update for Monday, August 26, 2002 at 13:25:38 (PDT)
The Bodega Bay Seafood, Arts and Wine (and BEER) Festival was last weekend and was a blast. It was our first year and we went through a bucket load of beer.
The next festival for us is the Healdsburg "Beer In The Plaza". It's on Saturday the 7th of September from 3:00pm to 6:00pm.
Following that we're on the Skunk Train on the 14th of September and finally the "Calistoga Beer and Sausage Festival" on Sept. 28th.
Here at the Pub, we were contacted by the ABC last week and informed that no complaints were received for the liquor license application. It looks like we're still on schedule for sometime in September.
Also, "John and Zeke's" in Healdsburg have expressed an interest in carrying the Rat Bastard. If all goes according to plan, they'll be our first draft account and pouring in the next couple of weeks.
Update for Monday, August 12, 2002 at 10:56:43 (PDT)
A fair bit has been going on around here lately.
On top of the nice little improvements in the pub, we've applied for our liquor license and the posting comes down today.
We're hoping, if all goes well, we'll be sippin' single malts in September.
Last month we picked up a bunch of 1/2 bbl kegs and a keg washer (which kept the scrubber busy). They're finally reassembled and clean.
It looks like we'll be starting our kegging operation sometime next week. It'll be nice to whip into someone elses pub for a drop of the Rat.
Thanks to all who showed up for the Animal Benifit and the Pocket Canyon Protection Group festivals. They were both a lot of fun and great causes.
Update for Monday, June 24, 2002 at 13:39:09 (PDT)
Well this season is off to a great start.
The Anderson Valley Beer festival was a hoot.
We also made it to the Santa Rosa Beer Festival (at the LBC) and the Healdsburg chili cook off.
The next festivals for us are the Bodega Bay Arts & Wine festival, The Healdsburg "Beer in the Plaza" festival and the Calistoga Beer and Sausage festival.
Kruger has also demanded we attend the GABF in Denver this year. We'll be entering Rat and Bushwacker.
Here at the Pub we've been booking Bluegrass bands for the deck on Sunday afternoons.
It's the perfect occasion to pull your straw hat and overalls out of moth balls.
Last Sunday we wittled away the afternoon to the Foot stompin' sounds of the "Tanglefoot Quartet".
Next Sunday (6/30) The "Acme String Quartet" are playing.
We're trying to get the Tanglefoot Quartet back for the 7th of July and then "One Horse Town" will be playing on the 14th.
Update for Monday, April 15, 2002 at 22:03:15 (PDT)
So far the interstate brewery tour has been a success.
We stopped at "Charlies" (Norman, OK) for a pop ... and enjoyed our smokes at the bar.
Weather is great and the fluids are flowing freely.
Hope to be in New Mexico tomorrow.
See ya.
Update for Thursday, April 04, 2002 at 16:32:06 (PST)
It's April once again so 'Stumptown Au-Go-Go' is right around the corner.
This year we'll be celebrating the aniversary on Saturday the 20th.
We brewed our first batch of wheat beer on Monday.
It should be ready to drink in the coming weeks.
I'd be happy for any suggestions re: a name for it.
I'm partial to 'Bush Wacker' for two reasons:
One: I was sconed by the brew kettle lid during the boil;
Two: It's the school of duffing to which the Stumptown Golf Club subscribes.
The name is not yet set in stone.
Update for Friday, March 08, 2002 at 14:07:50 (PST)
The second fermenter is finally set up and we'll be christening it with a batch of pillager on monday.
Our yeast crop from the last batch of rat was a breeze.
Paddy's Day is almost upon us and a number have folks have asked if we plan to brew anything special for the event.
To be sure ...
This years celebratory ale is called Ratty O'Bastard.
So Sunday, March 17, swing by for some untraditional Irish ale, and enjoy the untraditional Irish swamp funk sounds of Lockjaw (from 2pm - 6pm).
Update for Tuesday, February 19, 2002 at 15:22:19 (PST)
Mesa and Fordo's wedding was a blast on Valantines Day.
Very touching. Congrats.
We've baptised one of the new fermenters with the next batch of Rat.
That'll make our yeast management easier.
In case you were wondering, Yeast can be cropped from a Grundy, if you have to, which we don't ... anymore.
We'll be knocking out a few propoganda items shortly. We're still a ways from coasters, but T's, stickers, and pamphlets are on the cards.
The second fermenter should be "on line" by the next batch of Pillager.
Update for Friday, December 21, 2001 at 15:07:40 (PST)
Hey all,
Hope the Holiday season is treating you well.
We have just finished our latest batch of Black Stump and should be ready to go on tap Christmas eve.
The reorganisation of the brewhouse has made it a lot more pleasant back there.
We're hoping to get our other serving tank in the walk-in by new year so we'll be able to serve a whopping three (yes I said THREE) of our own here at the pub.
Our 'Misfits Christmas' is on again for this year.
If you've got nothing else on (or need a dose of sanity between Christmas cheer) stick your head in.
I'll be roasting up some Turkey and Lamb. Everything else is pot luck.
Chris is also planning a 'White Elephant' thingamajig.
We'll start eating around 2p.m.
Also, this year, Cindy is having her Lasagna Feed here on Christmas Eve.
It'll start around 3p.m. on the 24th with bucket loads of Lasagna (bring your own bib).
Maybe we'll see ya.
Update for Monday, October 29, 2001 at 10:42:18 (PST)
The Haloween party on Saturday was a blast.
Merriment ... hopefully it's a trend.
I hope to get some photos up shortly.
We're in the middle of rearranging the brewhouse right now.
The new fermenters are in, and we should be able to get another batch in this week.
The latest batch of Pillager was put on line last week and it's proven supremely chuggable.
Time to get on the roof and clear the gutters. They reckon we're in for our first solid rains this afternoon.
Update for Thursday, October 25, 2001 at 16:05:19 (PDT)
Halloween is almost among us and a group of nutbags have decided to pick up the torch where Mike and Margaret left off.
We'll get to be part of their vision from Fri. 26th through Wed. 31st.
Those of you who know will be here ... for those who haven't exerienced Halloween at the Stump, this will be the one.
Hope everyone is hanging in there.
Update for Monday, September 10, 2001 at 11:48:24 (PDT)
Once again I've been a little slack on the updates.
The Jazz festival was last weekend, the 'Stumptown Yacht Club' made up a signfifcant portion of the armada.
The Pillager has been tapped and we're pretty happy with the results. It turned out to be a little more potent than planned but is devilishly chuggable.
Our 14 bbl fermenters arrived from Bavarian Brew Tech last week and are in the brewhouse ready to be connected up ... Damn they're sexy. We'll be able to double batch shortly and start getting some kegs out there.
Thanks to Paulie for the poetry recital, an eggsellent smashing success. He managed to raise another $100 for the folks at WAIF.
Update for Friday, July 27, 2001 at 13:47:29 (PDT)
The 'Pillager Pils' is on it's second week of fermentation so should be ready to be popped sometime in the middle of August.
We've ordered a couple of 14bbl fermenters from Bavarian Brewing Tech. With a little luck they'll be arriving in August also.
The lack of conical bottoms has proven overly inefficient.
The 'WAIF' benefit is comming up on the 4th and 5th. It's a little fundraiser for a local group that take care of injured domestic and wild animals.
Our pump has finally returned so no more 5 gal. bucket sparging around here.
We've signed up for the Calistoga Beer Festival in September.
Update for Friday, July 27, 2001 at 12:40:16 (PDT)
I was messing around with some of the scripts trying to increase security.
Guess I over did it 'cause I ended up deleting all of my scripts.
The updates page was also lost to some sloppy coding and impatient testing.
Oh well, what are ya gonna do?
If anyone has trouble posting to the "Guestbook" or "Ask Tank" drop me a line.